Tuesday, May 22, 2012


So I was sick last night, and then this post is late because I was having an all night Fast and the Furious Movie Marathon.
Only one thing to say after watching all five movies in a row.
I don't care that Paul Walker is 21 years older than me.
OR that he is almost 50 now.
I would still TAP DAT ASS!
Just saying.
It's those eyes of his. I just can't get enough.
Anyway, other than my crazy movie marathon, I did the dishes like I'm supposed to, and that's about it.
I'm sorry but a migraine isn't something you can just shake off.
It set in yesterday while I was at Granmoms helping out, then it lasted until after noon today.
It was so bad.
I did talk to my Mom, and we had a good laugh about how I am STILL nicotine depraved.
I've also been missing my best-friend a lot lately. The same one I wrote practically a STORY about before.
Not only him either, but all my friends who seemed like they were close at one time, but have grown far since.
But maybe I'm just being a stupid sentimental girl.
I also feel like I have almost no support. It kinda hurts, feeling this alone.
I mean, even my brother who I came to New Jersey to see won't talk to me right now....
At first it just pissed me off, because my original thought was, "Wow, how can he be so pissed that I won't be with him? This is SO childish!"
But now I just want my friend back.
Maybe I'm stupid, maybe I'm naive.
Hell, maybe I'm absolutely fucking nuts.
Okay, so the last one wasn't a maybe.
I am so bitchy.

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