Friday, May 18, 2012

Bitch Fest

So today I am feeling absolutely BITCHTASTIC!
This guy who I've been talking to decided to get pissy because I didn't talk to him for a few days.
I could understand that if he were someone I had known for MORE THAN TWO WEEKS AND IN PERSON.
So he starts freaking out at me, and when I finally crack from lack of nicotine and the onset of PMS, I turn into the DEVIL for being in anyway upset at him.
And the first thing he thinks is that I stopped talking to him for being too pushy,
Which he was,
But that was NOT the reason.
It is because I am dealing with my own shit if you couldn't tell from my previous blog entries.
I mean seriously,
Do you have a death wish or something?
Why else would you fuck with a teenager who is "A FUCKING BASKET CASE", PMSing AND lacking cigarettes?
And starting it over her not talking to you for a couple days?
THEN saying she is completely in the wrong because you are grieving over your recently deceased father?
I understand. That is a hard thing to go through.
But you don't have to take out your frustration on ME.
I know what the fuck it's like to lose your Father.
I lost mine at seven years old then had my step-father start beating the ever living shit out of me.
You just moved back in with your mom who you treat like shit anyway.
And then he went as far as to say he understands that I am dealing with Granmom dying, but "AT LEAST SHE'S STILL ALIVE!" In his words.
I couldn't help but respond that he and I were lucky that at least our Fathers went quickly, because that meant we didn't have to watch them dwindle day by day, just on the verge of leaving us forever,
And wondering, "Is today all that's left?"
I just don't know.
After he sat there and insulted me again and again, I ended up blocking him on Facebook.
And when I blocked him on Facebook, the first thing he did was message me on Skype about how I'm a little pussy ass bitch who can't handle the truth.
So I blocked him there too.
I am stressed out enough what with the everything that is going on and being told that there is a chance I might have to go back to NC.
I don't need some 21 year old ass hole who has done nothing but hit on me since he started talking to me making my day any worse by bitching at me because I have been too busy to talk to him.
I am sorry for bitching, whoever is reading this, if anyone is reading this,
But I NEEDED to write it out.
(Well, TYPE it out I guess.)
If only to let off some steam.
I hope your day is going a hell of a lot better than mine.

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