Monday, January 28, 2013


In keeping with my new years resolution I am trying to think of SOMETHING to write today.
First off, I have found an anime that is FANTASTIC.
Sadly, only has the first season of said anime, so now I am going to have to find another source to feed my addiction.
The anime is called High School of the Dead, and is about a zombie outbreak
Because zombie outbreak movies are AWESOME!
And these kids are surviving.
I won't lie, there are tits and ass involved in said anime, along with implied sex, which makes the main character look like a bit of a man whore.
But whatever.
On the PERSONAL FRONT, I am getting on with my job search tomorrow, hitting up several different restaurants about waitressing jobs.
I am feeling positively optimistic about the whole thing.
Other than that, not much is going on in my life. Just living day by day.
I am quitting smoking.
Cigarettes that is.
And of course out of respect for my Aunt I won't smoke any Jolly Green Giant while living under her roof.
But again. That's about all that's going on in my life.
Wish me luck on my job hunt tomorrow! Thanks. :)

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