Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Long Day, or Should I Say Week.

So, I am in the process of moving.
Just went through a break up that feels more liberating than anything, even though the ex is definitely still trying to keep tabs on me.
I have most of my things at my new home, but I don't have a room yet. The previous roomates stopped paying rent and made the place DISGUSTING, and they are refusing to move their stuff out until they see an eviction notice. That means that until we either get them to come back and get their stuff, or we finally fight our gag reflexes long enough to throw it all out, I'm stuck on the couch.
Because my new roomie has cats, and one of them likes to spray still, all of my things are currently in her closet.
But it'll all be okay. I'm getting my feet under me, and becoming more and more self sufficient.
Now I just need to get a licence.
An update on the interweb exploration front tells me that any of you who actually reads my everyday, nonsensical babble might like the web comic "Go Get A Roomie".
^The URL for said web comic is right hurr.^
The comic itself is a little ways out there, with a lot of different things playing into it. It isn't all that long yet, but it has so much potential. The artist/writer is even trying to get it published, running a fundraiser to try and get the first copy up and off the ground.
They don't know I'm writing this here, so don't think this is some kind of scam, I just really and truly enjoy the comic, and I think some of you might to.
I finally went back to work a couple of days ago. It's really not that great.
I just can't wait to be able to get another job at this point so I won't have to work at the club as much. That would be awesome.
Also, there's this guy.
He's a lot older than I am, but even when we first started talking, we clicked.
Now I'm not about to rush into ANY kind of relationship with anyone at this point in my life, but I do kind of like this guy.
I will keep who ever is reading this posted.
On yet another side of my life, I'm working more on my music.
I have a couple of songs on YouTube, but the quality is extremely crappy, so I won't tell you how to find them yet.
Once I get some better audio and video though, I will let you know where they are.
It would actually mean a lot to me for some of you, who ever you are, to check it out.
Music is my true passion, and though I may be working in less than stellar conditions right now, I want to give my music a real chance.
Wish me luck maybe?

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